Outside Temperature | 36.5°C |
Outside Temperature Trend (3 hours) | 2.9°C |
Days below 0°C this month | 0 |
Days above 20°C this month | 22 |
Days below 0°C this year | 0 of 22 days |
Days above 20°C this year | 22 of 22 days |
Wind Chill | 36.5°C |
Heat Index | 35.9°C |
App. Temperature | 37.2°C (Very Hot) |
Dewpoint | 14.0°C |
Humidity | 26% |
Barometer | 999.7 hPa |
Barometer Trend (3 hours) | -2.2 hPa |
Wind | 3 km/h from 222° (SW) |
High Wind | 22 km/h from 248° (WSW) at 13:11:51 |
Today's Rain since 12am | 0.0 mm |
Today's Rain since 9am | 0.0 mm |
Last rain was: | 17/01/25 12:35:00 5 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes ago |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr |
Inside Temperature | 32.5°C |
Inside Temperature Trend (3 hours) | 2.9°C |
Inside Humidity | 42% |
☀ | |
Rise | 06:13:06 |
Set | 20:00:58 |
Hours of daylight | 13:47 |
☽ | |
Rise | 00:00:48 |
Set | 13:35:09 |
Moon Phase | Last quarter 46% |
High Temperature | 38.3°C at 16:47:51 |
Low Temperature | 13.4°C at 05:51:51 |
High Heat Index | 40.1°C at 16:44:39 |
Low Wind Chill | 13.4°C at 05:51:51 |
High App. Temp. | 41.0°C (Very Hot) at 16:44:39 |
Low App. Temp. | 13.1°C (Cool) at 05:49:27 |
High Humidity | 85% at 05:50:15 |
Low Humidity | 24% at 16:51:51 |
High Dewpoint | 18.6°C at 11:11:51 |
Low Dewpoint | 10.6°C at 04:59:51 |
High Barometer | 1007.9 hPa at 00:16:39 |
Low Barometer | 999.6 hPa at 17:54:15 |
Today's Rain | 0.0 mm |
High Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00:39 |
High Wind | 22 km/h from 248° (WSW) at 13:11:51 |
Average Wind | 2 km/h |
RMS Wind | 3 km/h |
Vector Average Speed | 1 km/h |
Vector Average Direction | 260° (W) |
High Inside Temperature | 32.5°C at 17:51:03 |
Low Inside Temperature | 20.6°C at 07:57:27 |
Forecast for the rest of Wednesday | |
Partly cloudy.
Thursday 23 Jan | |
Possible shower or storm.
Min 20 Max 38 |
Friday 24 Jan | |
Partly cloudy.
Min 21 Max 37 |
Saturday 25 Jan | |
Min 17 Max 37 |
Sunday 26 Jan | |
Partly cloudy.
Min 19 Max 37 |
Monday 27 Jan | |
Sunny morning. Possible storm.
Min 21 Max 37 |
Tuesday 28 Jan | |
Possible shower or storm.
Min 21 Max 39 |
Wednesday 29 Jan | |
Shower or two. Possible storm.
Min 21 Max 36 |
Full Forecast |
Start civil twilight: | 05:45:41 | |
Sunrise: | 06:13:06 | |
Transit: | 13:07:13 | |
Sunset: | 20:00:58 | |
End civil twilight: | 20:28:19 | |
Azimuth: | 261.3° | |
Altitude: | 25.1° | |
Right ascension: | 304.8° | |
Declination: | -19.6° | |
Equinox: | 20/03/25 20:01:14 | |
Solstice: | 21/06/25 12:42:18 |
Rise: | 00:00:48 |
Transit: | 06:44:08 |
Set: | 13:35:09 |
Azimuth: | 201.3° |
Altitude: | -40.0° |
Right ascension: | 213.5° |
Declination: | -16.2° |
New moon: | 29/01/25 23:35:54 |
Full moon: | 13/02/25 00:53:19 |
Phase: | Last quarter (46% full) |
Location |
Moonbi, NSW, Australia |
Latitude: |
31° 01.09' S |
Longitude: |
151° 04.23' E |
Elevation: |
464 meters |
Signal Quality: |
N/A |
Outside Temperature Battery: |
OK |
This station uses a SDR, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
Weewx uptime: 2 days, 10 hours, 2 minutes
Server uptime: 7 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes
weewx v5.1.0
Email: weather(at)ubeaut.work
This website uses Glyphicons Halflings icon set as part of the Bootstrap framework.
Most of the code was written by Darryn Capes-Davis Responsive Skin.
The historic page has bits of this code in it Niculskin.
Gauges: SteelSeries by Gerrit Grunwald.